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How to Clean Mechanical Keyboard without Removing Keys

Mechanical keyboard keys can get sticky over time if you don’t clean them for many days. Sticky keys will not perform at their best and can minimize the keyboard’s lifespan. So, how to clean a mechanical keyboard without removing keys.

The good news is that you can do it using many methods. Rubbing alcohol or white vinegar, a vacuum cleaner, compressed air, dawn dish soap, disinfectant microfiber, toothpick, etc., is beneficial when cleaning the mechanical keyboard without removing keys.

Let’s figure out the process in detail from this comprehensive guide.

How to Clean Mechanical Keyboard without Removing Keys | 6 Effective Methods

Cleaning mechanical keyboards is one of the effortless tasks. All you need to do is follow the below steps carefully.

Mechanical Keyboard

Step 01: Unplug the Mechanical Keyboard from the Device

Your mechanical keyboard must be plugged into a laptop or desktop. To begin with, make sure to unplug it from the device.

Step 02: Tilt the Keyboard Upside Down

Then, tilt the keyboard completely upside down. This way, trapped loose dust or dust inside the keyboard will come out easily. It is a crucial step in cleaning mechanical keyboards without removing keys.

I recommend shaking the keyboard a little bit. In fact, such an act is quite helpful and practical.

Step 03: Keep the Keyboard on a Flat Surface & Start Cleaning

Now, we are in the main step of cleaning the mechanical keyboard. I will share several methods where you won’t have to remove the keys.

Method #01: Compressed Air Can

Compressed air can be an excellent choice to clean the mechanical keyboard without removing the keys. Start blowing compressed air in a specific area. Thus, smaller particles will easily be cleaned,

Make sure to choose a can having a small nozzle. However, if you find a can with a nozzle, I recommend buying a regular can. Then opt for a straw. Remember to blow compressed air in the same location for at least 1 minute.

Method #02: Disinfectant Microfiber Cloth

After cleaning the inside of the mechanical keyboard, the keys and other parts need to be cleaned with disinfectant microfiber. Choose a soft and smooth microfiber cloth.

By using a disinfectant microfiber cloth, you are keeping the keyboard germ-free. Avoid dipping the cloth in the disinfectant. Instead, soak the cloth.

A cleaning kit or liquid will also be a good choice. A sticky tape is another great option. Move it between the keys. Dirt or dust will stick to the tape, keeping the keys debris-free.

Method #03: Toothpick

You might wonder how to remove the dust particles between the keys. Well, a toothpick will be an ideal solution.

Before using the toothpick, moisten it lightly with alcohol or water. Then use it for cleaning. This will help you take care of the mechanical keyboard easily.

After cleaning, ensuring no moisture is left behind on the keyboard is mandatory. In this case, use a dry cloth and clean the keyboard thoroughly.

Method #04: Rubbing Alcohol or White Vinegar

Rubbing alcohol and white vinegar are effective germ killers. Soak a microfiber cloth in white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Next, start wiping down the surface of the keyboard. Also, dip a cotton swab into the liquids and run it between the keys to remove dust and debris. Thus, bacteria on the surface will get killed instantly. At the same time, any gunk will be removed.

A spray bottle is also a quick method to clean the keyboard surface every time you work with the keyboard. Get a towel and spray little water into it. Then clean the surface to prevent grime accumulation. Remember not to spray on the keyboard directly. It may ruin the board permanently.

Method #05: A Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is the most common method of mechanical keyboard cleaning. The best thing about this cleaning method is that removing the keys is completely unnecessary while giving effective results. You can effortlessly remove any foreign parts from beneath the keys preventing a key from working perfectly.

More importantly, larger items such as paper clips can easily be removed from your mechanical keyboard without removing keys.

It would always be best to choose an anti-static vacuum specifically manufactured for use with the computer. Also, when using the vacuum cleaner, ensure setting the device at a minimum level. Simultaneously, avoid pressing the keys too hard when vacuuming. This way, the key switches can get ruined.

A vacuum cleaner is an efficient way to remove gunk, dust, debris, dirt and moisture which can cause premature damage to your mechanical keyboard.

Method #06: Dawn Dish Soap

Does your mechanical keyboard feel greasy when typing or gaming? If YES, then I suggest you clean it with dish dawn soap. It is a great solution for removing grease or oil from your keyboard and other things that might contaminate it. You will also require some other items along with dawn dish soap to complete the process, including hot water, soft dry cloth and microfiber cloth.

Step 01: Get a small tub filled with hot water. Mix a couple of drops of the dawn dish soap into the water.

Step 02: Then soak a microfiber cloth into the mixture. Squeeze it completely, and make sure the cloth feels a little wet.

Step 03: Start wiping the surface of the keyboard. Thoroughly clean every area.

Step 04: Grab the soft cloth once you are satisfied with the cleaning. Wipe off any excess moisture from the keyboard surface.

Dish dawn soap is effective enough in cleaning any keyboard type. This cleaning soap is effective in removing grime, grease or oil.

Step 04: Ensure Periodic Cleaning

Use any of the above-mentioned method to clean your mechanical keyboard once a month. Such a habit will ensure optimum performance from your keyboard for many days.

How to CLEAN Your Mechanical Keyboard Safely!

Final Words

Cleaning a mechanical keyboard without removing the keys may seem daunting. Happily, it is quite simple with the right tools and techniques. Regular cleaning of your keyboard helps maintain its appearance, ensures its longevity, and improves performance. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove dirt, debris, and bacteria from your keyboard without causing any damage to the keys or the mechanism. It’s important to make cleaning your mechanical keyboard a regular part of your computer maintenance routine, as it will ensure that the keyboard continues to function optimally for years.