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How to Make a Wired Keyboard Wireless | An In-depth Overview

Most of the conventional keyboards are wired. Sometimes, managing the wired system seems to be tough. Therefore, the possible ways of turning a wired keyboard wireless can be very beneficial. So, let us know how to make a wired keyboard wireless through authentic steps.

Two methods can be applied to make a wired keyboard wireless. You can use a Microcontroller and Radio Transmitter or use a Bluetooth Dongle. Nowadays, you can get keyboards with specific layouts, sizes, and even material choices. Wireless keyboards have become popular having easy access, use, and portability.

By turning your wired keyboard wireless, you can get rid of typical connections, such as a USB cable, to work. The following article has the details of the process so that you can get greater comfort and productivity by using a wireless keyboard on your computer.

How to Make a Wired Keyboard Wireless

To make a wired keyboard wireless, you have to maintain the processing steps carefully. There is no complexity so the following guideline will help you smoothly.

Wired Keyboard Wireless

Step 1- Unplugging the Keyboard

If your keyboard is already in use, unplug it completely. Without unplugging the keyboard you can not continue the process for electrical safety issues.

Step 2- Inserting or installing the Micro-Controller

A USB-compatible microcontroller to ensure a connection between the keyboard and the computer. The keyboards having USB ports can simply connect to the microcontroller otherwise you will need to unscrew the keyboard and unplug the cord from inside.

Insert the second microcontroller into your computer’s USB port to establish the connection between the two microcontrollers and then you should be all set.

Step 3- Setting up the Radio Transmitter

The radios must be on the same frequency for two-way communication as they cannot send signals to one another. Therefore, you require two radio transmitters for each device to carry on this process.

Make a connection between the first radio transmitter to the microcontroller attached to your keyboard. Then ensure the connection of the second radio transmitter to the microcontroller attached to your computer via USB.

Step 4- Calibration of the Microcontrollers and Transmitters

The calibration of your microcontrollers and transmitters is significant to ensure the proper functioning of your wireless keyboard. Without the correct calibration, the keyboard may not be found on the list of devices and you will face trouble in typing.

Ensure microcontrollers and transmitters are inserted, and turn on your computer. You might have to recalibrate the transmitters if the keyboard shows trouble establishing the wireless functioning.

Why Do You Need to Make Your Own Wired Keyboard Wireless?

The traditional wired keyboards require cable and connection port management. On the other hand, wireless keyboards are part of smart technology and they have some attractive benefits.

Here are the things making the wireless keyboard stand apart

Neat and Clean setup

Wireless keyboards are free from the unsightly cables running across your desk or behind your monitor. Therefore, you can get valuable space on the desk and this can be used for other important needs. Moreover, it will create a more visually appealing workspace.

Another thing to consider is that the wireless keyboards come with a sleek and modern look which creates a smart vibe while working with a computer.

Wireless keyboards have matchless comforts because they provide you the scope to place them in a way that perfectly suits your needs. From typing to browsing the web, a wireless keyboard is a reliable device to provide superior comfort and convenience.

Freedom to move around

A fascinating advantage of Wireless keyboards is the freedom to move around and work on the computer. The wireless keyboards can be structured with a 6-33 feet wireless range depending on technological advancement. So, your online or offline work will no longer be limited to a particular placement.

Easy to carry

The benefits of portability and lightweight design have increased the popularity of wireless keyboards. Such a keyboard can be an excellent option for a frequent traveler as it is simple to be carried around.

Most wireless keyboards function with a categorized USB receiver plugged into your laptop to use the keyboard. Moreover, a keyboard supporting Bluetooth won’t need any receiver to connect to the computer.

Promotes Better Body Posture

While working with a computer, the flexibility of the physical position plays a very important role. A wireless keyboard can be ergonomically beneficial as the flexible and remote controlling system helps work with a suitable placement.

The opportunity to use the keyboard according to your body posture reduces pain and discomfort even after a hectic working day. So, one can get the best result due to increased efficiency and productivity.

Multi-Device Connectivity

People have multiple devices like computers, laptops, phones, tablets, etc and they tend to use more than one device at a time. The wireless keyboard includes the option to add multiple devices through Bluetooth or other systems. This is time-saving and more user-friendly.

Is It Possible to Make a Wired Keyboard Wireless?

Converting a wired keyboard into a wireless one is not difficult, rather a proper guideline will make it much easier. There are different ways available and you can do it using the proper knowledge and tools.

It is always important to take considerable time to understand the process and follow the steps carefully. You do not require any expensive tools because the methods are budget-friendly. So, convert your wired keyboard into a wireless one and enjoy flexible usage.

Can You Make Your Keyboard Bluetooth?

Following some specific instructions, you can successfully convert your keyboard to Bluetooth. For this task, you require a Bluetooth dongle alongside an available USB slot on your keyboard. Ensure these two things and follow the instructions below.

First, collect a Bluetooth adapter. Then, follow the instructions that come with the Bluetooth dongle to connect your wired keyboard to your computer through Bluetooth.

Get your keyboard connected and then proceed with the following configuration

  • Open the Bluetooth Settings dialog box and maintain the procedure– Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Bluetooth Devices.
  • Now, click on the Options tab in the Bluetooth Settings dialog box.
  • Therefore, check the status of Allow incoming connections box. This will open the scope to allow other devices to connect to your computer via Bluetooth.
  • Press the Apply button followed by the OK button and save your changes.

In case you face any trouble, go to the Bluetooth Devices dialog box and click on the Add button. This will let you do the task manually.

Last Words

It may seem a bit complex to convert a wired keyboard to wireless but this difficulty can be eased by the proper guideline of this article. By using a USB-compatible microcontroller and Bluetooth through specific steps, any wired keyboard can be turned into a wireless one.

While using a wireless keyboard, you can enjoy advantages like portability, freedom from cords, a clean working environment, and flexibility. So, the article on how to make a wired keyboard wireless with an in-depth overview has everything you should know.

There are some potential issues with converting to wireless including the USB cord issues, signals lost in transmission, battery life, and frequency interference. But you don’t have to worry as these problems can be fixed easily and conventionally.