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Discover DVORAK Keyboard Layout: Efficient Typing Experience

If you have done typing research, you’re likely familiar with the Dvorak keyboard layout. A keyboard layout refers to the arrangement of keys.

While the QWERTY layout is the standard in America, some individuals opt for alternative layouts they deem superior.

Among these, the Dvorak keyboard layout is the most prevalent choice, driven by claims of improved efficiency and ergonomics compared to QWERTY.

DVORAK Keyboard Layout

What is the DVORAK keyboard layout?

The Dvorak keyboard layout is an alternative to the widely used QWERTY layout. It was named after its inventor, August Dvorak, an American professor.

Dvorak designed the layout to increase typing efficiency and reduce finger movement. He believed that the QWERTY layout was inefficient and led to typists experiencing more strain and fatigue.

The Dvorak layout was invented in the early 1930s as a response to the perceived shortcomings of the QWERTY layout.

August Dvorak and his brother-in-law Dr. William Dealey conducted extensive research and analysis to create a new keyboard layout.

Some users prefer the Dvorak layout because it is designed to place the most frequently used keys on the “home row.”

Such a design helps the fingers rest naturally, reducing the need to stretch and move them as much as with the QWERTY layout. It increases typing efficiency and reduces strain on the hands and fingers.

Although the Dvorak layout has its proponents, it is less widely used than the QWERTY layout. It has been adopted by some individuals seeking to improve their typing speed and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.

However, most computer users still use the QWERTY layout due to its ubiquity and familiarity.

Can I Change a Keyboard to DVORAK?

Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your keyboard layout to Dvorak:

On Windows:

Step 01: Open the “Settings” menu.

Step 02: Select “Time & Language.”

Step 03: Choose “Language” from the options.

Step 04: Under “Preferred languages,” click on “Add a language.”

Step 05: Select “English (United States) – Dvorak” or any other Dvorak variant in the list.

Step 06: Set the Dvorak layout as the default by clicking on it and choosing “Set as default.”

Step 07: If you want to remove the QWERTY layout, you can select it and click “Remove.”

On macOS:

Step 01: Open “System Preferences.”

Step 02: Click on “Keyboard” in the preferences window.

Step 03: Select the “Input Sources” tab.

Step 04: Click on the “+” button at the bottom left of the window.

Step 05: Choose “English” from the list.

Step 06: Look for “Dvorak” or any other Dvorak variant and select it.

Step 07: Enable the option “Show input menu in the menu bar” to switch between keyboard layouts easily.

On Linux:

Step 01: Open your Linux distribution’s system settings or control panel.

Step 02: Look for the “Keyboard” or “Input” settings.

Step 03: Locate the option to change the keyboard layout within the keyboard settings.

Step 04: Select the Dvorak layout from the available options.

Step 05: Save the changes.

How to Learn Typing on DVORAK

To learn where to place your fingers on a Dvorak keyboard layout, follow these guidelines:

Step 01: Learn Putting Your Fingers on Right Point

1. If you know touch-typing on a QWERTY keyboard, the same fingers are used for the corresponding keys on Dvorak. The only difference is that the keys will produce different letters.

  • Dvorak home row: AOEU – ID – HTNS
  • QWERTY home row: ASDF – GH – JKL

2. If you lose track of finger placement, locate the raised dots on the keyboard. The raised dots are in the Dvorak format on the U and H keys.

  • Position your left index finger on the U key.
  • Place your right index finger on the H key.
  • This will guide you back to the home row position.

You can effectively type on a Dvorak keyboard layout by following these finger placement instructions.

Step 02: Avoid Pecking

Avoid “pecking” at the keyboard with a single finger while learning to type. Instead, keep your fingers on the keyboard and use the same fingers on a QWERTY keyboard to reach the keys.

Although it may be tempting due to unfamiliarity, resist the urge to peck. If you persist with this approach, you can learn proper Dvorak typing techniques and may need help typing quickly and comfortably.

Step 03: Avoid Rushing in the Beginning

Begin at a slow pace since you’re still learning the keyboard layout. Typing quickly is not expected initially. It’s better to take your time and prioritize accuracy over speed to avoid making mistakes.

By focusing on precision, you’ll gradually develop muscle memory, enabling you to type effortlessly without consciously considering finger placement.

Step 04: Take a Print out of the Dvorak Keyboard

To aid your learning process, consider printing out a Dvorak keyboard image. Keep the diagram nearby while practicing, as it will save time by eliminating the need to shift your fingers to view the letters on the keyboard. Additionally, visual reference can enhance your memory of the keyboard layout.

Step 05: Consider Not Looking at the Keyboard when Typing

Minimize your reliance on looking at the keyboard. As your typing speed and confidence increase, avoid glancing down unless you make an error.

This practice will assist you in developing touch typing skills, eventually enabling you to type without needing to look at the keyboard.

Step 06: Study Online Resources

Take advantage of online resources to facilitate your Dvorak learning journey. Mastering the Dvorak layout may pose challenges, but the internet offers many helpful materials. Videos, in particular, are invaluable as they allow you to follow along visually.

YouTube is a valuable platform hosting numerous free Dvorak typing tutorials and instructional videos. These resources are easily accessible and can significantly aid your learning process.

If you prefer a structured approach, explore programs specifically designed to teach Dvorak typing. Conduct research to identify the most suitable program for your requirements. It’s essential to progress through the lessons at a reasonable pace.

Even if the content appears simple, repeating the tasks multiple times will ensure comprehensive mastery of the material.

Step 07: Practice Makes a Man Perfect

Embrace consistent practice to enhance your Dvorak typing skills. Even if the initial speed feels slow and frustrating, try to use the Dvorak layout as frequently as possible. Consistent practice will foster familiarity with the keyboard layout.

Remember, practicing for shorter durations, such as fifteen minutes per day, proves more effective than cramming for hours in a single session.

To make your practice sessions enjoyable, find creative ways to incorporate Dvorak into your daily interactions.

For instance, opt for texting friends using instant messaging or Facebook chat instead of making phone calls. This approach adds a fun element to your practice routine and helps to alleviate any potential tedium.


What is the layout of a Dvorak keyboard?

The layout of a Dvorak keyboard arranges the keys with the most commonly used letters on the home row for improved typing efficiency. The Dvorak layout places vowels on the left-hand side and common consonants on the right to reduce finger movement and promote faster, more comfortable typing.

Which country uses the DVORAK keyboard layout?

The Dvorak keyboard layout is not associated with a specific country. It is an alternative keyboard layout that can be used by individuals worldwide. While it is less widely adopted than the QWERTY layout, some individuals in various countries use the Dvorak layout for improved typing efficiency and reduced finger strain.

What is the style of Dvorak?

The Dvorak keyboard layout is a simplified and ergonomic alternative to the traditional QWERTY layout. It aims to optimize typing speed and efficiency by placing commonly used letters on the home row, minimizing finger movement, and reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries. Its style can be described as ergonomic and efficiency-focused.

Final Words

The Dvorak keyboard layout offers several benefits compared to the traditional QWERTY layout. It is designed for improved typing efficiency and reduced finger movement, leading to increased speed and reduced strain on the hands and fingers.

Placing commonly used letters on the home row promotes a more comfortable and natural typing experience. Adopting the Dvorak layout can enhance productivity and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.